Why Wear Gear? SuperFabric & More
FACT CHECK: Why Wear Good Motorcycle Gear?
“I’ve been down twice and I’m still lucky” said the HD rider at a stop light when I asked him why he was only wearing tennis shoes, regular jeans, a t-shirt and no helmet.
I said, “well, stay lucky brother” and watched him ride away after the light changed. The truth is, saying one is lucky is just a way to justify being irresponsible, if not downright stupid.
But, it’s his life and his choice. I just hope nobody is depending on him at home and that he doesn’t have a wife, kids, and/or close relatives. I can painfully imagine a mother grieving the loss of her son because he thought he was “lucky.” Or children growing up without a father, or a wife overwhelmed with single parenting or living alone.
All the riding skills can’t protect you from distracted, impaired, inexperienced, or elderly drivers.
I think it’s better when “you go for the ride, dress for the slide.”
You see other motorcyclists wearing t-shirts, shorts, gym shoes, or less. Why shouldn't you?
There are two kinds of riders; those who have already gone down and those who are going to go down. The first deals more with riding smarts and experience and the second deals with “others;” drivers of cars, trucks, RVs, and sometimes, other motorcyclists. It’s the others that you have absolutely no control over and they text, eat, talk on the phone, and yell at kids while driving this weapon of motorcycle destruction. So, before you get all full of yourself and how this can’t happen to you; be smart, be safe, and gear-up.
Road surface is the great equalizer. It doesn't care how good you look, how well you ride, and will do nothing to stop a texting driver from hitting you. No matter how you don't think it will happen to you or if you are one of those who shrugs it off to "when its my time, its my time;" it lies in wait for you...and it will patiently wait years.
You will go down at some time. Without good gear, plan on leaving large patches of skin on the road and breaking your bones. Leather is great but its heavy, hot. and not padded. But, with man-made materials such as SuperFabric and Cordura, plus the impact-absorbing ‘armor’ (special rubber padding) enters the picture to save the day. While you’ll mostly find 500 Denier (measure of material weight), Slatin MotoGear uses 600 Denier Cordura, with SuperFabric over the high-impact areas. We use ‘armor’ that’s CE-approved, not CE compatible. Its also articulated, so that it moves with you.
Good gear helps keep your skin on you and
your brains and bones intact.
SMG uses SuperFabric as added protection on potential impact areas because of its high heat tolerance and abrasion-resistant qualities. Did you know that SuperFabric is 15 Times More Abrasive-Resistant than Kevlar and flexible? It uses heavyweight Cordura coated with tiny, very hard polygons. SuperFabric is used by the US Military Special Forces and NASA (Yep, the Space Agency).
Watch SuperFabric being tested for use in the planned Mars Missions.
Why you want SuperFabric®
There are many aspects to consider when designing or even wearing motorcycle gear but the number one concern for so many is protection. At high speeds and nothing but some cloth between the drivers, solid pavement and the wind there is little room for error. Yet, mistakes happen and that is why motorcyclists and racers rely on protective apparel. That is also why some of the most prestigious motorcycle apparel companies depend and integrate SuperFabric® into their protective jackets, suits and riding apparel. They don’t just place this specialty fabric anywhere, they position it in the areas that need the most abrasion resistance, such as knees, outer arms, and elbows.
Don't just take our word for it,
to read about SuperFabric in military applications,
<click here>.
SuperFabric® Key Features
Unrivaled Performance. Unmatched Durability. Unlimited Possibilities.
The Perfect Fusion of Material Science and Style
SuperFabric® materials integrate commercially available materials with custom-proprietary armor technology to create Award-Winning, Extreme Textiles. These durable, flexible and lightweight fabrics have been developed to be utilized in industrial, commercial, motorcycle gear and military applications around the globe. No other material offers such value, performance and versatility – simultaneously. At Slatin MotoGear, we bring that safety and value to you at low, Factory-Direct Prices.
1. SuperFabric ® is Locally Hard, but Globally Flexible
SuperFabric® materials incorporate an unique and one-of-a-kind technology to create armored plates that are printed onto fabrics. The SuperFabric® guard plate, itself, is very hard and durable but the patterns created by the SuperFabric® engineers allow for flexibility within each piece of material.
2. SuperFabric® is Stain Resistant
SuperFabric® materials protect from a variety of stains, including inks, liquids and oils. Dirt, mud and grime can be easily washed off, creating a low-maintenance fabric.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF3UR41p76I
3. SuperFabric® is Abrasion Resistant; 15X more than Kevlar
SuperFabric® guard plates ("armor plates") provide a flexible barrier from abrasions, scuffs, and scrapes. The tough epoxy plates create a locally hard surface, but retain flexibility within each fabric.
4. SuperFabric® has excellent Water Resistance and Breathability
SuperFabric® materials allow for various degrees of breathability within each product as the guard plates have either tiny or large gaps between them for performance metrics but also allow for air flow to keep everyone cool. Liquids tend to bead up on top of the guard plates and simply fall off instead of absorbing into the fabrics. In case any liquid does get between the guard plates, SuperFabric®materials have created a quick drying base fabric for their products, which keep their materials performing at the highest level yet retaining the comfort needed for many apparel and footwear applications.
5. SuperFabric® is Slash Resistant
SuperFabric® brand materials provide a challenging barrier against a variety of razor-like threats. Precisely placed, small and durable guard plates protect underlying fabric from being torn or sliced. Unlike some cottons, knits, nylons, etc., SuperFabric® brand materials won’t snag, fray, or tear. They also provide a high degree of resistance to scuffs that compromise protection and aesthetics, making them an ideal slash resistant material.
*SuperFabric® materials (when layered) can even be snake bite resistant!
Technology Behind SuperFabric®
SuperFabric® technology takes a fabric and overlays it with tiny, ceramic armor plates (“guard plates”) in a specific arrangement. The gaps between guard plates allow complete flexibility. The geometry, thickness, and size of the guard plates, as well as the fabric and color can be varied depending on the desired attributes. SuperFabric® is designed to deliver a range of performance features such as stain resistance, quick drying, weight reduction and more.
We Love Riding!
There are two kinds of Riders; ones that will go down, and those that already have.
Good, protective gear saves lives. It's always been available, but the really good gear costs a lot.
At Slatin MotorGear, we found a way to make good gear more affordable.
No big markups, no high prices. More Affordable, so more riders can keep riding and loving it.