Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

We at Slatin MotorGear respect privacy.  Therefore, please be advised that at Slatin MotorGear, any information that you provide to us will never be given sold, bartered, or traded by us.  We ask for this information, in a shared trust to provide you with promotions and/or bargains, because we think that after you've examined and tried our gear, you are likely to want more. You may have come to us for quality gear at low prices, and be surprised to learn that we have nearly all of our gear manufactured for us, in accordance without our designs and specifications. We value your trust and pledge ours to you.

We Love Riding!

There are two kinds of Riders; ones that will go down, and those that already have.

Good, protective gear saves lives. It's always been available, but the really good gear costs a lot.

At Slatin MotorGear, we found a way to make good gear more affordable.

No big markups, no high prices. More Affordable, so more riders can keep riding and loving it.