Earbuds for the Holidays

Earbuds for the Holidays

Hello All,

For music in my helmet—yet still hear the road around me—I’ve tried LOTS of speakers and set-ups. Still not found the ‘silver bullet.’ I don’t often need intercom, riding solo mostly. I don’t take or make calls on the bike as that's a HUGE distraction factor. SO...I’ve ordered some ‘buds to test with Active Noise Reduction, and those should arrive next week. I've ordered three different models and manufacturers for testing. Once a winner emerges, I’ll work on getting some at a deal to pass on to you. Remember that most of the 'Big Names' like Bose, Sony, etc., are made in an 'off-shore' factory that makes ones for other manufacturers also. It will be a great stocking-stuffer for the holidays!

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