New this Year!

New this Year!

Hello All,

‘It’s been a good riding year, 2019! I was surprised when Rider Magazine included our ‘Biker’s Leg Bag’ in their “New & Cool Products” feature in their September issue a couple of months ago. The Leg Bag proved to be so popular that we replaced our inventory 3 times that month, and is still a popular sales item.

That said, we decided on some similar items just for Riders and Bikers; a Backpack, Tailbag, and a Saddlebag set—-all of the waterproof, aerodynamic, and easily hold a bunch of stuff, including helmets. The quality of these items are very good and, like all of our products, priced low. Not always easy to do, but I figure if our prices are low, then more Bikers & Riders can more easily afford the “good stuff”.

I ordered just a few of these items; just to see if you like them. So, check them out and, if you like something, then buy it. Remember, we have an easy and very reasonable return/refund policy, just like it’s posted on this site.

Be kind to each other and stay vertical.

Bye for now,

Richard Slatin

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